Below are links to documents on fisheries and stewardship projects completed by the Eastern Georgian Bay Stewardship Council. The organization was dedicated to protecting fisheries and enhancing aquatic ecosystems in eastern Georgian Bay from 2000 to 2020.
To download additional reports from past projects and research not listed below, click here.
Fish Habitat Assessment Tributary Reports
- Key River Tributary Report
- Magnetawan River Tributary Report
- Naiscoot River Tributary Report
- Pickerel River Tributary Report
- Seguin River Tributary Report
- Shawanaga River Tributary Report
- Shebeshekong River Tributary Report
- Sucker Creek Tributary Report
2016 Spring Spawning Survey Summaries
- 2016 Magnetawan River Summary
- 2016 Seguin River Summary
- 2016 Shawanaga River Summary
- 2016 Shebeshekong River Summary
- 2016 Sucker Creek Summary
Spawning Rehab Projects
- Key River Walleye Spawning Bed Rehabilitation Update 2018
- Key River Walleye Spawning Bed Rehabilitation Summary Report
- Go Home Bay Summary Report
- Moon River Rehabilitation Summary Report
- Tadenac Bay Summary Report
- Musquash River Summary Report
EGBSC Past Projects
Fish Habitat Assessment Project
This project began in 2015 to assess nursery, rearing, spawning and foraging habitat for Walleye, Lake Sturgeon and Sucker species in ten tributaries to Eastern Georgian Bay.
Key River Walleye Spawning Bed
In 2014, EGBSC partnered with the Key River Area Association to improve Walleye spawning beds on the Key River. In 2015, approximately 400 square metres of habitat was created.
Walleye Spawning Bed Rehabilitation
Since 2007, EGBSC has restored four Walleye spawning beds and has a fifth project planned for 2015 on the Key River.
Walleye Outreach Project
Walleye populations in Eastern Georgian Bay are in decline. EGBSC received funding to develop a public outreach plan focused on Walleye.
Campsite Co-Management
In 2006, the EGBSC initiated a campsite monitoring and management program with 10 partners. Since then over 134 sites have been inspected.
Walleye Stocking/Culture
In addition to rehabilitating spawning beds, stocking of Walleye has been identified as a primary tool for accelerating the rehabilitation of Walleye populations.
Bass Nest Creation
Between 2005 and 2008, EGBSC ran a stewardship project with many residents and cottagers to create bass nests. As a result, over 450 bass nests were created.
Trumpeter Swan Survey
EGBSC was asked to participate in a Trumpeter Swan survey by the Ontario Trumpeter Swan Program through a flight survey.
Chimney Swift Platform
Project Description: EGBSC helped fund a platform for Chimney Swift nesting, which was built by the Ontario Youth Stewardship Rangers.
Invasive Species
The EGBSC helped to sponsor a University student in 2007, 2008 and 2011 to create a greater awareness in the Parry Sound area about invasive species as well as monitor waterbodies for invasive species.
Fish Sampling Projects
EGBSC receives requests for fish assessments along eastern Georgian Bay and inland lakes and carries out at least one fish assessment survey annually.