The Coordinated Nutrient Monitoring Program was led by the Georgian Bay Biosphere and supported by many partners on the coast. The objective of the program was to improve the coordination and collection of nutrient information in eastern Georgian Bay, specifically total phosphorus data. Together, GBB and partners developed a nutrient monitoring strategy for the region, recognizing the efforts of volunteers, townships, organizations, and agencies.
Funding for the project was provided by Environment Canada’s Lake Simcoe South Eastern Georgian Bay Clean Up Fund and the Lake Huron Framework for Community Action, with partner support from many organizations and other research agencies.
Several reports were prepared as part of the program and are available for download.
Summary of Water Quality Monitoring Programs
Along eastern Georgian Bay, water quality monitoring programs are coordinated and conducted by all levels of government, First Nations; non‐governmental organizations, and volunteers/citizen scientists. The scope of these monitoring programs differs depending on scale, objectives, parameters, and monitoring frequency. This report summarizes existing water quality monitoring programs in eastern Georgian Bay as of 2014.
Nutrient Monitoring in the Georgian Bay Biosphere
In 2015, GBB conducted a review of the 15 nutrient monitoring programs within its boundaries. It determined that current federal and provincial monitoring programs are well established and effectively collect water quality data needed for open water and nearshore areas of eastern Georgian Bay. The review found that monitoring conducted by volunteers, ratepayer associations, and townships plays an important and complementary role, and would benefit from standardized guidelines and training, where necessary.
Enclosed Bays and Inland Lakes Phosphorus Monitoring Guideline
This document outlines how townships, ratepayer associations, and/or volunteers can initiate nutrient monitoring through the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks’ Lake Partner Program (LPP). The guideline presents a targeted number of recommended monitoring locations in enclosed bays and inland lakes for organizations and/or volunteers to fulfill. However, if there is greater capacity to add locations, the guideline also presents a protocol for selecting and monitoring these sites.