In the past, social and environmental concerns related to crown land camping activities on Franklin Island had been reported to MNRF from the West Carling Association and Carling Township. In 2006, EGBSC initiated a campsite monitoring and management program with 10 partners. Between EGBSC, White Squall, Great Lakes Sea Kayaking Association and the West Carling Association, 134 sites were inspected. Of those sites, 74 were deemed satisfactory and 13 unsatisfactory (data for sites was not recorded). Management activities to improve campsite stewardship included campsite cleanups, installing thunder-boxes and installing signs to promote best camping practices. Complaints from 2006 declined, and the project was viewed as a success.
In 2007, EGBSC expanded the campsite co-management project to camping activities in Conservation Reserves and Enhanced Management Areas with many partners. The areas of focus included: Franklin Island, Huckleberry Island, Moon Falls, Arnold’s Bay and adjoining portions of the Moon River, Island Lake, Wahwashkesh Lake and the Georgian Bay Coast, including the Severn River. Over Management activities to improve campsite stewardship included campsite cleanups, installing thunder-boxes and installing signs to promote best camping practices. Out of all the sites, the Moon River campsites had the most significant problems for garbage. Two crews of Ontario Stewards Rangers (Muskoka – Parry Sound Rangers and Huronia Stewardship Rangers) conducted an intensive clean-up of campsites and removed two and a half truckloads of garbage.
In 2008, EGBSC worked with Carling Township, Township of Archipelago and the Great Lakes Sea Kayaking Association Stewards on campsites between French River Provincial Park and Massassauga Provincial Park. EGBSC was also involved in custodial work at Severn Sound, Moon River, Gibson River, Pointe au Baril and McCrae Lake. Due to other projects, EGBSC did not have as much time to spend on the campsite co-management projects in 2008.