Discovery, Delineation and Quantification of Potential Sediment Sources Contributing to Nutrient Enrichment and Translocation within South‐eastern Georgian Bay


Environment and Climate Change Canada

Project Lead

Johann (Hans) Biberhofer, Sediment Scientist Science and Technology Branch Watershed Hydrology and Ecology Research Division

Project Dates

2014 - 2016

Project Location

Honey Harbour, Twelve Mile Bay, Tadenac Bay, Sturgeon Bay

Project Parameters

  • Dissolved oxygen and thermal profiles
  • Coloured dissolved organic matter
  • Chlorophyll
  • Temperature
  • Total suspended solids
  • Particulate organic carbon and nitrogen
  • Bathymetric and substrate surveys



Resources & Documents

Miigwech! Thank You to Our Sponsors!

Thank you to our partners, sponsors, and many individual donors for your support and investment in a healthy Georgian Bay!