2018 Ecosystem Health Report for Eastern & Northern Georgian Bay


Our Story: While Georgian Bay can feel like wilderness, it is subject to virtually all of the same pressures as the other Great Lakes – invasive species, climate change, and development pressures. To help monitor these changes, the Georgian Bay Biosphere and its many partner organizations launched the State of the Bay project in 2008.

Together with our expert advisors and partners, several ‘aquatic ecosystem health’ indicators were identified to help us tell the story of the nearshore and offshore waters of eastern Georgian Bay. The first State of the Bay ecosystem health report was released in 2013 with the goal of summarizing available research about water, wetlands, fisheries, and habitats in this unique landscape, and sharing it with people who care about Georgian Bay. 

In 2018, the second report was published with new information on climate change, landscape biodiversity, and a recognition of the work of conservation groups and Indigenous communities. 

News Flash! We are excited to announce that the next report will be released in 2023 and will build on past reports by incorporating Indigenous knowledges to complement scientific analyses and deepen our collective understanding of environmental change.

Miigwech! Thank You to Our Sponsors!

Thank you to our partners, sponsors, and many individual donors for your support and investment in a healthy Georgian Bay!